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How To Write Content For A Landing Page

How To Write Content For A Landing Page

Do you want to write compelling content for the landing page of your website? Then, you will find the post extremely valuable! 

The main goal of writing best-in-class, persuasive, and convincing content for the landing page is to encourage website visitors to respond to at least one call-to-action. That means the main catch here is to convert website visitors into paying customers or at least taking them to the next level of the sales funnel. 

Therefore, you should leave no stone unturned to write an attractive copy for your landing page to convert as many visitors as possible. 

Some Actionable Tips to Write Compelling Content for Your Landing Page

It’s time to check out some easy-to-follow strategies to write action-oriented content for your landing page. Note that not every tip might suit your purpose. Perhaps, you have already implanted some of them. 

Hence, you should follow and execute the tips that will cater to your purpose the best. However, if you are going to write the landing page content from scratch, then you should execute the following tips one by one. 

In order to increase the odds of increasing conversion, you need to know about your target audience first. That means you must be familiar with their pain points, likes, preferences, requirements, and expectations. 

When you have a clear understanding of your target customers, you will be able to write a precise copy, which will be more likely to help in the conversion. 

What’s more? 

Do not forget to add the pain points of your target audiences to the copy so that people can relate to them. 

Then, write about why they should get rid of that problem to streamline their lives. Thus, you can encourage them to take some action to come out of the situation. 

Next, your target audience will start finding solutions to their problem. Hence, your landing page content must clearly comprise the solution in terms of your product (s) or service (s). 

Apply this step-by-step process and you can expect to receive a good response. At least, visitors will be more likely to show interest to know more about your offerings. 

So, the catch here is to study your audience well before writing content for your landing page instead of addressing an undefined set of audiences. 

Most visitors nowadays go through websites very quickly. Hence, you should present the most important information in the very first part of the copy so that visitors don’t need to scroll down to see it. 

The main goal here is to hook the visitors to your landing page so that they become curious to know more. Stay away from describing the features of your product or service. Add a solution that a visitor is looking for in terms of your offerings. 

Nowadays, very few people are interested to know about the features of a product or service. The fact is people are interested to find solutions to their problems. Hence, do not add features unnecessarily to the landing page’s content. Instead, add benefits as much as possible to draw the attention of your website visitors. 

In short, you have to mention how your solution (in terms of your product or service) can resolve their pain points. You need to give them valid reasons to go for a call-to-action. 

Always try to highlight only the benefits of your offerings instead of describing the features. Does your product have a unique feature other than your competitor’s? Then, you should add it to your landing page as a striking benefit of your product through compelling content. 

Your landing page’s content must directly interact with your website visitors. Hence, start using the second person while writing content to influence the reader’s mind. 

In a nutshell, you have to connect to the audiences through your content to leave a positive impact. Thus, you can add curiosity to their minds about your offerings. 

Writing a compelling copy for your landing page is not the end of your job. You must add a CTA or call to action to encourage the viewers to take an action. Note that influencing the website audiences to take the desired action is the main goal of the landing page.

The CTA depends on the goal of the landing page. For instance, if you want your viewers to sign up for your newsletter, you can add “sign up now.” You may also want them to try the trial of your offering. In that scenario, you can add “Start Your Free Trial Now!” 

The main goal of the landing page is to convert viewers into leads. Hence, the landing page content must have a CTA to bring your desired result. 

Keep the landing page’s content as simple as possible. Do not add complicated terminologies that not everyone will comprehend. 

Convey your message in the simplest possible way without using industry slang, jargon, or terminologies. Explain how your product or service can resolve their pain points. 

Confusing words may discourage your website audience to take further action, such as clicking on the “sign-up” button. Therefore, you need to choose your words for the landing page wisely. 

You already know today’s website visitors do not devote much time to a single website. Hence, to make your target audience take the desired action, you must prepare an easy-to-skim landing page copy. 

Note that good writing is not enough when it comes to converting visitors to leads. Proper formatting also holds much importance so that people can find whatever they are looking for very easily and quickly. 

Hence, your landing page content should comprise short sentences, simple words, short paragraphs, bullet points, understandable font type, proper underlining and bolding, enough headings & sub-headings, and so on. You can also color the text, which you feel important for the readers to go for the call-to-action.  

Texts and only texts can make your landing page boring and unattractive. Hence, you should add images and graphics in the middle of texts. Do not forget to keep enough white space to make the overall copy compelling and attractive. The main goal here is to let the audience know the answer to the question they have. 

You are already familiar with the importance of using the second person in the landing page’s copy. Moreover, you should also use active voice to speak to your readers directly. Active voice makes a sentence more easy-to-understand, interactive, and attractive than whatever passive voice does.

For example: 

“We will design a beautiful website for you (Active Voice)” is far more direct and interactive than “A beautiful website will be designed by us for you (Passive Voice).” 

Readers can relate more to sentences with active voice than ones with passive voice. 

So, you have written a strong beginning and body of the landing page’s content. Congratulations! It is time to write a powerful conclusion. The ending of the copy must spark motivation in your audience. 

Try to add scarcity through your writing. Let your audience know that your trial service is a limited-time offer. 

If you want to collect the email addresses of your target audiences, it is a good idea to offer a free PDF copy on your niche. 

Giving value to audiences will make your business popular. As a result, more and more people will start showing interest in your offerings. 

Incorporate urgency at the ending of the content. Make your visitors realize what they will lose if they don’t respond to the call-to-action within the specified deadline. 

Finish the content with a powerful call to action. You must guide the audience towards the action that they need to take to get the benefits, such as the trial, the free PDF, or something like that. 

The main goal of the call-to-action is to make the target audience know more about your brand and the offerings so that they proceed towards becoming paying customers. 

Note that writing a copy for the landing page is not the end of the task. You have to keep on updating and optimizing it to ensure to achieve the best results. Since SEO strategies keep on changing from time to time, you also have to ensure proper on-page SEO optimization for your landing page. 

Do not forget to run A/B tests for your landing page (s) to know which copy is performing better than others. The main goal is to convert more and more visitors into paying customers. So, keep on changing the content a bit to reach your desired goal in terms of conversion. 

Wrapping Up

Now, you are familiar with some actionable tips to write a persuasive landing page copy. It is time to execute these tips one by one to make your landing page powerful. However, if your landing page content is in place, you can use this guide to improve your copy to expect better results. 

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